Since 2014, students from the first year of the School of Design of the Polytechnic in Milan (Scuola di Design Politecnico di Milano) have actively contributed to the designverso series. This series is a dedicated exploration of 20th-century communication designers, conceived as a supplement to the Multiverso magazine, published by the University of Udine.


In 2018, they released a monograph focused on Franco Grignani. Its title directly references one of his profound statements: «the time of reality has given me the time of the idea, another real» (“Once, Grignani is in New York, he is returning to Italy. He is in the taxi, and from the window, with his camera, he is shooting streets and skyscrapers. The photos are naturally ‘blurred’. «They are blurred – he says today – but for me, they still have a rational meaning. The time of reality has given me the time of the idea, another real.»” – from Franco Grignani, Il segno come matrice. Il fenomeno come variabilità analitica, presentazione di Giuseppe Turroni, 1978).

(see also more details about the project on Behance)

The following academic year, a second monograph was published, also available on Issuu: Franco Grignani – la sperimentazione nella coerenza

(see also more details about the project on Behance)

Another monograph was published in the academic year 2022/23:

and a last one in the academic year 2023/24:

Last Updated on 01/07/2024 by Emiliano