In 2019, together with their students, the Professor of Art of Photography and Graphics Advertising Anita Pascale with the collaboration of Professors N. Barone, MR. Napoli, MC. Petroli of ISIS EUROPA in POMIGLIANO D’ARCO (Naples) implemented with their students an involving and ambitious project called AULE IN MOSTRA (CLASSROOMS ON SHOW).
The objective was to conceptualize a dedicated ‘expanded classroom’ solely devoted to Franco Grignani, encompassing the development of a 3D rendering, a comprehensive timeline, and the large-scale reproduction of two of his renowned ‘streamers’ on a wall (‘Dissociation at the center‘, 1967 and ‘Dissociation from the edge‘, 1969).

This endeavor was executed with remarkable enthusiasm and vitality, reaffirming the enduring impact of Franco Grignani’s artistic message even on the youngest of students.

A final clip summarises the huge effort:
Two years later, for the final graduation exam, a student of this group created a flip-book.
[media from ISIS EUROPA, courtesy of Anita Pascale]
Last Updated on 19/09/2024 by Emiliano